Saturday, December 01, 2001

It is the morning after the Attaboy show (officially, it feels like the extension of the night of it to me, but I quibble...). It was a whaleshell-sized amount of fun, an impressive turnout, and an excellent show! Not without a couple of technical divots, mind you, but I think that chaos & glitches are just woven into the asbestos of Los Odeon and there's no way it won't get into yer lungs and opening monolouge, or whatever, if you set tremulous foot within its sticky confines. That said, it's also beautiful. It was a great crowd, and it was I think a testament to the fact that there is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for the work and personality of the man they call Attaboy. Long may the Yumfactory churn! Attaboy has a ton of the books still for sale as well as stickers and other stuff which make hella better xmas prezents than HelloKitty or OldNavy. GoHere to find out how to get it!

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