Sunday, July 18, 2004

Am I blogging yet?

Yes, I haven't posted here for 3/4 of a year.  No, I am not off the face of the earth.  Yup, I'm busy.  I'm so glad we can talk like this. 
Capsule update, and promises to write again soon:
  • I am now working at Yahoo! as part of their search engine (technically, I work for Overture, a subsidiary of Yahoo)
  • I commute daily to Sunnyvale, CA in the heart(?) of Silicon Valley (about an hour each way--yikes!)
  • I am not producing any events at the moment--no regular series and no one-off's in the works right now
  • I am not writing enough :-(
  • I AM on a big acting kick; I appeared in an on-stage episode of the Twilight Zone earlier this year and am currently co-starring in the first ever stage version of Zippy the Pinhead (more links on that anon).  The show is going GREAT.  I'm having a blast, and it's been well-received.  You'll hear a lot more on this in upcoming posts.
  • I am off to San Diego this week for Comicon to help Attaboy sell stuff and soak in the pop culture mega-blast!

Expect more posts soon.  Sorry to have been silent so long, though I've been better about my email-listSign-up to it, or just read it online if you'd like.

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