Sunday, March 27, 2005

Bad Movie Night
at The Dark Room

TONIGHT: The Dark Room debuts the MST3K-like "Bad Movie Night". Each Sunday evening for a month, a rotating roster of local laughability optimizers comment on films of lower than average quality. Tonight's show features Bucky Sinister, Lynn Breedlove, and Sherilyn Connelly.
This should be a great show!

I won't be able to make it because we bought tickets ages ago for the ROVA Saxaphone Quartet and friends (aka Orkestrova)performance of John Coltrane's Ascension. The show is part of the SF Jazzfest, which is always impressive, especially in their spring season, but this year is one of their best. More on that in some other post. Here's a review of the last time ROVA performed Ascension

The Bad Movie Night series will continue throughout April on Sunday evenings. Next week I'll be one of the guest hecklers, along with one or two or three cohorts I hold in high and humorous regard. More on that next week.

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