Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Any Minutemen
fans out there? While doing "research" for the punk rock party I
hit a mad fat vein of Minutemen websites. The ones worth noting
are corndogs.org which features
live audio & video from the various Mike Watt bands. You can download
entire concerts in mp3 format (192kbps) and see concert footage of the
Minutemen in the day of their hey. And also Watt's own home page, or href="http://www.hootpage.com/">hoot page he calls it--and he now jams econo with Quicktime VR. Lots of
great real-live-it's-still-going-on-punk-rock-spirit PUNK ROCK CHANGED OUR LIVES!!. I love that guy. Maybe sometime soon I'll post about the time I met Mike Watt and why I think he's so cool. Not now though.

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